
Minggu, 21 Maret 2010

Beauty benefits of drinking fresh milk

I didn’t like milk when I was younger. I hated the taste and even the look of it. It was not until I was pregnant that I started drinking milk diligently. And since then, I’ve found that I can’t do without it because it helps with my PMS and my skin problem.

Drinking milk cut down my skin flare-ups and PMS symptoms
For some strange reasons, I have these ugly red patches the size of large coins on my body that never got away since I was carrying my child. The dermatologist couldn’t tell me what it was and on days when I’m exceptionally stressed, they flare up real bad, turning red and itchy. I discovered that if I drink my milk regularly, these patches eased off considerably. In fact, drinking milk is essential to helping my PMS too as I mentioned in one of my earlier entries that milk-calcium reduce PMS symptoms. I felt less moody, had little or no backache and fewer hormonal chin acne prior to my menstruation!

Drinking milk for stronger nails, teeth and hair
These are two of the benefits I have with milk but I’m a believer that milk provides a host of other beauty benefits too such as strong nails, teeth and bones. Referring to an article from GotMilk, milk is one of the best sources of the vital nutrients that help maintain strong and healthy locks. “According to research, cow’s milk contains the ideal mix of essential nutrients for beautiful healthy hair. The proteins and lipids in milk work to strengthen hair, while the calcium promotes hair growth and aids in preventing hair loss. Milk also contains other hair-friendly nutrients like Vitamins A, B6, and biotin and potassium all of which work together to keep hair soft and shiny.”

Drinking milk maybe bad for those proned to acne
However, those who suffer from acne or are proned to acne might want to be careful with milk as there are some indications that milk contains hormones that can cause acne to act up! A study by the Harvard School of Public Health shows there is an association between milk intake and teenage acne. Teenagers who drank milk are more likely to develop spots and pimples compared to those who rarely or never drank milk. I’m of the opinion that this may vary with individuals as based on what I’ve read at some of the acne forums, not everyone suffers from acne breakout drinking milk and like I mentioned, my hormonal chin acne were fewer if I remember my milk.

Drinking milk in moderation is generally good
But I guess while milk has nutritious values important for beauty and well-being, not everyone can take it to. Those who are lactose intolerant for example would have a problem consuming milk regularly. As a matter of fact, I can’t drink milk too frequently; alternate days in moderation works well for me. And nothing too cold please. Otherwise, my pasteurized homogenized milk from Meji always work well to keep me and my skin happy.

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